The future of asset labelling is here.

LOC is an asset identification software platform that is the reliable, cost-effective solution allowing your business to track all its assets.

LOC labelling 3D graphic of wire

Clear, effective and efficient asset labelling.

Powered by our global parent company, KelTech IoE, LOC makes the passive smart, by making passive labels smart.  In comparison to a standard label, which might contain some generic information about a specific asset, a LOC can store as much data as the user/organization requires on a single label. 

A single LOC is used for standalone assets, such as fire extinguishers or laptops, whilst dual LOCs are used to tag two separate sides of an asset such as a cable.

Companies using LOC

QUINTAIN typographic logo
SENSORI typographic logo
Bai Communications typographic logo
Mill Hill crest logo
THE DOYLE COLLECTION typographic logo

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